Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I already wish that this week was over. Yes, I know tomorrow is Thanksgiving and you get all the hub bub of having family and everything being together. But at the same time with all the stuff that you go through with cooking and preparing the meal. It basically becomes a long drawn out thing of going to the grocery the weekend before. Fighting the traffic to get to the grocery. trying to find a parking spot once you get there, and dealing with the people in the grocery once you get inside. Then you wonder if they are going to actually have everything that you need. Which half the time they won't. Then you have to go through the trying to thaw the turkey out. Then you go through getting the stuff prepared the day before that needs to set up like pies and cranberry salad. The stuff that is better if you let set up a day or so before Thanksgiving. So I'm going to be glad once tomorrow Thanksgiving is behind us because all of the necessary pains of it are going to be behind me/us. But the good thing is that the leftovers and the time spent with family. But come Friday I'm going to be happy because it is going to be behind us. Even though I'm not going to be going shopping come black Friday I'm still going to be glad cause then it will be closer to Christmas and it will be time to put up decorations for Christmas. Then there is the fact of watching Christmas videos with a friend and her 3 year old daughter.